Monster Complex explores monster fiction in all its forms—books, movies, TV, comic books, games, and anywhere else you can find stories about monsters and those who hunt them and/or love them. Including…

  • Authors like Charlaine Harris and Jessica Cage and Patricia Briggs and and Stephen King

  • Universal’s classic monsters to Japanese giant monsters

  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Supernatural

  • Doctor Who to What We Do in the Shadows

  • Hellboy to Ultraman

  • The Munsters to Hotel Transylvania

Whether it’s stories about science gone wrong, vampires, werewolves, spirits, folklore, mythology, cryptozoology, or anything of the like—Monster Complex will be right there with interviews, lists, roundups, and discussions.


Chris Well is a media veteran who has spent years working in radio, newspapers, and magazines. He has also published several novels in other categories. But now he’s finally covering the kind of fiction he has always loved and planning to write fiction that he always wanted to read. (About monsters.) Chris lives and works in New York City. He also apparently likes coffee and reruns of the Six Million Dollar Man.