13 Updates: Ilona Andrews—authors of the Kate Daniels series, Innkeeper Chronicles, The Edge

Featuring news, reviews, and interviews with the popular urban fantasy authors.

“We have an awesome core audience of fans—and we’re very grateful to them for making the series a success and letting us continue to write for the living.”—Ilona

Ilona Andrews is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team: Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Their fiction includes:

  • The urban fantasy of the Kate Daniels series and spin-off Kate Daniels: Wilmington Years series, starring a down-on-her-luck mercenary who makes her living cleaning up magical problems.

  • The fantasy series Innkeeper Chronicles features a bed & breakfast in a small Texas town, where the Inn is magic and thinks for itself.

  • The Edge series revolves around people who live in a land that lies between the normal world and the Weird, where blueblood aristocrats rule, changelings roam, and the strength of your magic can change your destiny.

  • The Hidden Legacy series stars private detective Nevada Baylor, who navigates her way through an alternate world where dynasties, built on inherited wealth and magic, guide the course of humanity.

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Chris Well

Chris Well been a writer pretty much his entire life. (Well, since his childhood.) Over the years, he has worked in newspapers, magazines, radio, and books. He now is the chief of the website Monster Complex, celebrating monster stories in lit and pop culture. He also writes horror comedy fiction that embraces Universal Monsters, 1960s sitcoms, 1980s action movies, and the X-Files.


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